Welcome to a lush universe with a mix of adventure, humor, and magic! There, you'll encounter terrible creatures and meet the most renowned warriors in the World of Twelve.
If you don't spread joy and mirth with this Tiwabbit pin attached to your jacket, then there is no hope for this world. Or you are simply meeting people with severe and debilitating phobias of all things cute. There really is no hope for this world…
A white robe with blue details: this Dragoone is sure to remind you of Adamai, Yugo's dragon brother (and if it doesn't, then it's high time you rewatched all the seasons of the WAKFU animated series!). Able to take the form of any creature he chooses, this time the Eliatrope dragon and Yugo's twin brother has chosen to reveal himself in the form of a...
The Black Dragoon is never stingy with hugs and it'll prove it to you every time you need comforting. Note: The Minikron stuffed toy, shown here for comparison, is sold separately.
100 cm (39.3"): same size as ever. Big enough so you can curl up between its paws. But not too big to leave a little room for you (and your partner) once you're in bed. To help it maintain its intense color, just sing it a blues song once in a while. Pro tip: put a scoop of cobalt powder in its bowl once a month to make its coat shine brighter than...
Over 3 feet of cuddly softness, a good-luck grin, paws even softer than your kitty's (no really, just touch them and see), and an all-new color like the red in the Ankama logo. The XL Red Dragoone stuffed toy won't scratch up your furniture, and it's big enough to give you all the love and comfort you need. In short, it's the perfect companion! But be...
In the first group, they refuse to worship a god. And in the second one, they've always sought to rival the first. Forgelances and Demons officially have a spot on the World of Twelve map!The Archipelago of Valonia – Home of the Forgelances Long ago, a massive lance fell upon the World of Twelve, turning the island of Valonia into an archipelago....
Your long-time pet project of inspiring fear, jealousy and admiration among your peers is three inches from completion: Your ability to pet three adorable little 3-inch balls of stuffing and fuzz will be someone else's pet peeve. Mission accomplished. Not bad, huh? Their 3-inch (8 cm) size is perfect to take with you everywhere. These cute companions...