Following the success of the French shonen manga Radiant, an animated series adaptation was released in October 2018. The entire first season is in this 4-DVD boxed set, for a total of 21 episodes! And it features an exclusive interview with the author of the series, Tony Valente!
See Seth, Mélie, Hameline, Grimm, and all the heroes of the Radiant manga, now in animated form, in this 3-Blu-ray boxed set containing all 21 episodes of Season 1! It features an exclusive interview with the author of the series, Tony Valente, plus a 32-page booklet!
- Metallic structure, dual locking clasps, and hinges - Reinforced corners and edges - Ultra-durable structure - Grip pads on the bottom; reinforcing pads in upright position - Krosmaster motif - Foam slots for 8 Krosmaster figurines and game cards - Cell foam covering on the inside of the upper lid
To mark the release of Volume 5 of Funérailles, the Freaks' Squeele spin-off that needs no further introduction, Florent Maudoux has created this exclusive print on fine art paper that is sure to delight fans of the series. * Limited edition of 150 prints! - Dimensions: 40 cm. × 50 cm., or approx. 15.75 in. × 21.5 in.
Really enjoy Mutafukaz with 22 bonus minutes (live in Studio 4°C) and the Cereal Killah* box with its brand new content: Eight ball key chain in Angelino's likeness: Ask him a question and he'll give you an answer from the Mutafukaz universe! Genga (original illustration used for the feature film) with a certificate of authenticity 6 stickers:...
Krosmaster Blast is no more, no less than an updated version of Krosmaster Arena providing faster, more dynamic, and more accessible games. Take control of unique warriors and battle your friends in fun, short games where your strategy makes all the difference! In it, you'll find Ankama's unique, offbeat, colorful universe and its collectible...
What we like to call "Red Death" is ready for your walls.* Isn't it devilish? This magnetic metal poster offers incomparable print quality. Delivered with its own magnetic wall-mounting system, it's easy to install and won't damage your walls! *Size M measures 17.7 x 12.6 in.
Spice up your lunch breaks! With the Princess Dragon bento box, good taste is guaranteed on your air-tight box. Which might convince you it's that way inside, right? When the quality of Monbento meets the poetry of Princess Dragon, you get a uniquely designed lunch box you can reuse for every meal on the go. And your most delicate delicacies will stay...
Moonless nights under a starry sky, walks in the countryside when all the world's asleep… Do you regularly commune with Mother Nature, becoming one with her even at risk to your own life? The Temporis 7 Osatopia Pack has everything you need to keep heeding the call of the wild without getting mauled by the wildlife: - A metal Osatopia water flask (500...
Five against five, and one single goal – do whatever it takes to score as many touchdowns as possible. You can be cunning about it… Or you can play like a real Gobbowler, smashing everything in your path! The crowd will cheer you on, so get them on your side! But don't be too over-confident or your opponent will make you regret it. Details: - Number of...
Kerubaby, the Dauge, and Drhellbert: These three pets from the World of Twelve will fold over backwards for you! Craft these adorable paper toys yourself! There's just three things you need: the booklet containing detachable pieces, the tube of glue (12 mL), and the World of Twelve soundtrack playing in the background for full immersion! Detach, fold,...
Whether they're fire, water, earth, air, black, or white, the primordial dragons of the DOFUS universe have one thing in common, beneath their scales: They're softies! Six little furballs for you to cuddle one after another (or all at the same time!), combined in one pack. Even the toughest adventurers can't resist them… Their mini format (8 cm,...
Why go out hunting for fun when it's waiting for you in your very own dino park? Draftosaurus, along with its two expansions, is a family game that lets you raise dinosaur families in (very secure) dinosaur pens. Draftosaurus Bringing the Jurassic Era alive today, this drafting game for the whole family will force you to make difficult choices like...
Who'd have thought? The Rogue, despite their, uh… roguish appearance, can be as gentle as a gobball. And they're not alone! The Xelor, Sadida, Enutrof, Osamodas, Eniripsa, Ecaflip, Foggernaut, and Eliotrope have apparently developed a new skill as well: spreading warmth wherever they go! They've all left their respective packs to join this one! Their...
Iop, Feca, and Masqueraider. Ouginak, Cra, and Sram. Pandawa, Sacrier, and Huppermage. Find the stuffed toys from Creatures packs 1, 2, and 3 combined in one! That's a big batch of VIPs, eh? You know these warriors, by name at least. Maybe you've even run into them, whether directly in the World of Twelve or on paper. Now it's time to discover the...
Do you sometimes feel like you're a Iop-head all the way down to your Iop toes? Do you regularly confuse left and right? We get it – it's rough starting things off on the wrong foot. Especially when you seem to put the other one in your mouth every time you try to kick off a conversation. But with these unique sneaks, you'll never be caught flat-footed...
With its "no noob, no arnak" motto (that's "no noob, no skam" in French), these sneakers inspired by the world of DOFUS will add a little extra kick to any outfit. The message is clear: you weren't born yesterday. So it's no use trying to pull one over on you, because you won't let anyone step on your toes! Our DOFUS no noob, no arnak sneakers are...
Werewolves, vampires, zombies, golems, and even mummies – in Monster Slaughter, you play a family of monsters who've come to hunt down poor defenseless (and insufferable) students in an isolated cabin in the deepest reaches of the woods… The hardest part? Deciding when to eliminate the students, one by one, in what order… and then sticking with it!...
100 cm (39.3"): same size as ever. Big enough so you can curl up between its paws. But not too big to leave a little room for you (and your partner) once you're in bed. To help it maintain its intense color, just sing it a blues song once in a while. Pro tip: put a scoop of cobalt powder in its bowl once a month to make its coat shine brighter than...
Bundled by Ankama Animations and Studio 4°C, this Unidentified Visual Object is back on Blu-Ray with bonus material and XXL goodies: - Bonus: meeting with Studio 4°C (parts 1 and 2), working with Studio 4°C, trailer - a brand new lithograph by Run, in 24x27cm format - an exclusive, 22-cm, badass statuette With the French...
Five poor, defenseless (and insufferable) students are being hunted deep in a dark, remote forest… Does that ring a bell? Does it sound like old news? Not quite! This time, you're with the hunters! Werewolves, vampires, zombies, golems, and mummies – play as the creatures of your choice and become Tom, Bob, Britney, Kam and Laika's worst nightmare! But...